Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Illegal File Sharing In Court

The article I read was from

The article discusses a single mother from Minnesota that was arrested and is being tried for illegal file sharing. The RIAA (Record Industry Association of America) is claiming damages for only 326 of the 1,700 songs that passed through Jamie Thomas' server. However the damages from each song range from $750 to $30,000. This brings the grand total of damages to around 1.2 Million dollars. Jamie's trial started today and will run through Thursday. She is not trying to claim that file sharing is legal but that she is not guilty as charged even though her screen name and IP address match her history and her computer.

I feel that Jamie is being unjustly charged for her actions in Illegal file sharing. She used a popular program, Kazaa, and was one of thousands who was found sharing files on that program. For songs that cost around 1 dollar to buy she could be charged for 30,000? This is a rediculous exploitation of a lawsuit simply because her computer acted as a server to give documents and files to others. The RIAA wants this to be an example to other users of what the consequences of illegal file sharing can be, but even though I feel that a lawsuit is in order, fines of up to $30,000 are way out of proportion.

Sincerely, Brad New

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